Why Improv Matters — Off the Stage

“I could never do that.” That’s usually the response I get from people seeing an improv show for the first time. Of course not. How could anyone go from watching an improv show to being in an improv show overnight? Perhaps the more appropriate phrase is, “I can’t do that right now.” With training, this…

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A group of improv students in a circle with eyes closed and arms outstretched.

4 Ways to Earn Trust Via Improv Wisdom

Have you ever walked into a group space to find out you’ll be participating in experiential learning? Look around the room at the faces and the body language. Do you see clenched fists? Maybe people have started to grind their teeth a bit. Perhaps there’s even a sudden line at the rest rooms. Believe it…

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A woman in a pink dress plays in the Caribbean Sea

5 Tips for a Traveling Improv Mindset

Improvisation by definition is the art of accepting unforeseen circumstances. When referring to improvisational theatre, that resource is a script. So imagine a few actors with a few chairs and 25 minutes to fill. By being in the moment, listening to each other and working together, the actors are able to discover their purpose on…

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A man sits on a chair on stage wearing a Third Space Improv t-shirt.

How to Be a Star on the Stage of Life

A new year always reminds me that it’s the season to learn something — or to help others learn something. I love holding space for people who want to experience how improv might touch their lives. And, when someone discovers my improv background, I usually get the following responses: “Tell me a joke – go…

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